出席新西兰CSCWD2017(CCF C类会议)
来源: 汤庸/

      2017 IEEE 21st International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD2017)  4月26-28日在新西兰惠灵顿召开。CSCWD已成功举办21届,是协同计算领域重要国际学术会议(CCF C类会议)。

       本届CSCWD由新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学承办,会议网站:http://2017.cscwd.org/。此次会议注重学术内涵,形式简洁,包括一个简短的开幕式,3个keynote,21个session,最后是Best Paper Awards and Closing。其中,three outstanding keynote speeches: "The Complexities of Sustainability and Design: How sustainable are our systems designs? Can we design systems for sustainability?", given by Prof. Jan Recker, from Queensland University of Technology, Australia; "Crime Prediction using Patterns and Context", given by Prof. José A. Pino, from University of Chile, Chile; and "Collaborative Editing Research: from Academic Curiosity to Real-World Application", given by Prof. Chengzheng Sun, from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 会议具体程序见附件。

       华南师大数据库与协同计算团队发表2篇论文:Dynamic Transition of Scientific Teams Based on Time Slicing(Yuyao Li, Yong Tang, Jiemin Chen, Guohua Chen and Jiacheng Liang)和A Study on the landscape of Cancer Disease Researches using Bibliometric Methods and Social Network Analysis(Xueqin Lin, Jia Zhu, Yong Tang, Gabriel Fung, Jin Huang, Changqin Huang and Feiyi Tang)。汤庸长期担任CSCWD会议的程序委员,曾参与2004年在厦门大学召开CSCWD承办工作并担任组委会副主席。汤庸是本届会议的PC委员和session Chair,此次到会做团队发表论文的Presentation,会议期间还应邀参加了IEEE SMC Technical Committee Meeting。

      此次行程按照预定计划,4月24日晚从广州出发,4月29日早晨回到广州。具体行程:Guangzhou-Auckland(CZ305,0425,00:30);Auckland-Wellington(NZ453:0425,19:00);Wellington-Auckland(NZ450,0428,18:15);Auckland-Guangzhou(CZ306, 0428,22:00)。


汤庸教授在CSCWD2017(Wellington, New Zealand)


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